USNCO Local Exam Underway
It is that time of the year again to consider asking your students to participate in the 2019 U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO), which is sponsored by the Western Maryland Section of the American Chemical Society. If you have students who are interested in the competition, the local section examination is being conducted through March 30, 2019.
As last year, please use our contact form to request an exam. The request should include your email address and the name(s) of your student(s) who is (are) interested in participating. Upon receipt of your request, we will email a copy of the examination and an answer sheet. After the examination is administered and scored, please send the scores back to Dr. Stickler.
As in previous years, the local section can only have ten students participate in the national examination. The restriction is that not more than two students from any school can be selected for participation in the national examination. After receiving the students’ scores, the teachers of those participating will be contacted, and the respective teacher can contact the student(s).
The national examination will be held at Frostburg State University on Saturday, April 27, 2019. More detail about arrangements will be forthcoming.